December 4, 2023
To Electors of the School District of Athens,
The April 2024 Spring Elections are just around the corner and current School Board positions up for re-election are Tom Ellenbecker and Shanon Peel. The deadline for these two incumbents to file Notification of Noncandidacy, (notice that they do not intend to be a candidate for re-election), is December 22, 2023.
If you are an elector of the School District of Athens and are interested in running for School Board during the April 2024 election, you must file all necessary forms with the district office at 601 West Village Limits Road no later than 5:00 PM on Tuesday, January 2nd. Office hours may be limited during the holiday break, so obtain your forms and get them in early.
As a community member you have the opportunity to voice your thoughts, concerns, goals and desires to enhance our school district. Now, as an elected School Board Member, you will have the added responsibility to be involved in the full decision-making process which include approving policies for administration and staff to follow, evaluate the superintendent, set the budget, and advocate for your students and your school district. Please consider this opportunity and feel free to ask me any questions about the process.
Thank you,
Tim A. Krueger - Board President