School District of Athens ITLC/LIBRARY
Welcome to the School District of Athens Library and ITLC!! We are committed to providing students with quality resources in grades PK-12.
CARD CATALOG - All Athens Public Schools
Please click on the "Card Catalog" for your source of materials and their availability.

Find an Ebook at Athens Elementary School on Follett Shelf
Find an Ebook at Athens Middle/High School on Follett Shelf

Log-in to Overdrive to find and read an Ebook.

BookFlix Link
Great site for students and teachers from PK to third grade.

Accelerated Reader
Log-in here to take an Accelerated Reader test

Tumblebooks link
Great site for students and teachers of all ages and grades to read or listen to a story.

There are two data bases to search: science and social studies

Use your username and password. Please remember that there is a different username and password after school hours. Teachers: enter our code for more possibilities.
Excellent video repository with classroom resources. Shares easily to Google Classroom.

Sign-in for great ideas for elementary teachers. Click on magazines and change issue as needed.
Use this site to paste in a YouTube video. It will remove ads and clean up any extra advertising.
Easy site to you for recording yourself--either for a flipped classroom or to use at a later time. Very easy to use right with your Chromebook.
PBS Learning Media
Great site to learn new things for both teachers and students.

Wisconsin Public Television Education
Educational resources.

This site will help you find the lexile of a book.

Great research tool. Use Athens School District as our log-in and bluejays as our barcode.

Marathon County Public Library
Can't find something in our library? Check out Marathon County Public Library.

Use Goodreads to find a good book!!!

A great source to help build your Works Cited page.

Did you come across a word you didn't know? Use this on-line dictionary and thesaurus to help.

A great source for help build a Works Cited page.

Columbia Gazetteer
Resource for political maps.

National Geographic
Great resource to explore

This is a database of maps for all countries, flags of the world, fast facts, land statistics, and even time across the world.

Athens Centennial Book 1990
The Athens Centennial Book from 1990.

Chrome Music Lab
Great site to maneuver sounds (hands on) and work with rhythms, patterns, and make songs.

Tagzedo -
A great site to make a word cloud in the shape of the item you are describing. -
This a fun site where you take a picture, cut a mouth on it, record a voice, and the picture talks!!!

Kahoot -
Teachers--use this site initally to set up an account and form a game for your class.

Quizizz -Quizizz
Teachers-use this site to set up an account and for a quiz for your class.

Poster My Wall -
Make a poster. Use your own design or use a template.

StoryBird -
Create a story.

Story Jumper -
Create a story!

PowToons -
Create an animated story. -
Create an infographic.

Buncee -
Great tool for presentations!!! -
Great place to do a concept map.

SpiderScribe -
Great mind-mapping too.

Brainscape -
Make your own flashcards!!!

Voki -
Make your own speaking avatar.

One Word -
This site is meant for teachers and students. Sharpen your writing skills with this one minute activity.

Chart Go -
Great place to make a chart. No account needed.

Pie Color -
Great place to make a pie chart.

Lucid Charts -
Excellent way to make a brainstorming chart.